March - The Birthday Month
March features a lot of family birthday's for us. Monday March 7 was my step son Billy's Birthday, we got him a Gameboy SP as he's wanted one for a long time. Today, March 13 is my mother-in-law Fran's big day - we had her and John over last night for some Marion's Pizza and Mahaffies pies. Kenden was very grumpy and fiesty but John got him to sleep. It was very precious. Kenden sure loves his Grandpa's. He loves them so much, he tried to add a new grandpa at Meijer yesteday. His Gr8 Grandma GB and I were hanging out there while Wendy was getting a massage at the Samaritan North Health Center. Kenden saw an old man with silver hair and kept saying, "Papa, Papa". The old man told him "No, I'm not your Papa, but I could be!". We had a great time with GB.
Today is also my Niece Alyssa's 6th birthday. Her big friends party was yesterday, and her family party is today. She looks so cute with her hair all done up in curls. My sister emailed me a picture from before her party yesterday.
Alexa's birthday is March 26. We will be treating all of her and Billy's friends to a couple games of Laser Quest laser tag next Saturday - they chose that over renting out a movie theatre. Then on Sunday we'll do the family party for both of them at Ryan's or Old Country Buffet.
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